Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hello Rio de Janeiro!

Ladies and gentlemen,

The good ship Ciao Bella crossed the finish line on 4 February at 19h13.  This qualified her for second place in the Cape to Rio 2011.  The last bit of the trip from Carb Frio had 12knots from behind and had us finish our transatlantic crossing with a a stunning South American sunset as a backdrop.  A great ending to a fantastic adventure. 

After docking and some press interveiws, the team headed straight to the restaurant (albeit with very wobbly legs) and smashed a couple of burgers and chips without blinking an eye.  Since then there have been many a hour spent on the beach, and many a caparinha having been consumed. 

The hard part isnt over and there are many things that need to be repaired before Ricky heads home with the boat.  Those include the motor needing to be repaired, the gas needing to be refilled and provisioning needing to be done.  And trying to do this with portugese of the same level as Ryan's afrikaans is testing to say the least. 

But, the sun is up and the beach is calling.  Thank you for all the fantastic emails and messages... all made our little adventure so much more fun.

Your speedo torpedo signing out...

Team Ciao Bella




  1. ENJOY RIO...I am so jealous. looks like the naval academy behind you. GREAT photo. WELL sailed skipper and crew. I can just imagine how proud mom and dad must be,I EVEN FEEL IT.
    may we meet soon
    lots of luv reyn and elzabe.(the wifey followed as well.)

  2. Well Done all of you, it is a absolutely incredible achievemnt, as a family entry - staying focused and together at the end, from a sailing point of you - tremendous, especially with th Simonis 35!!! Can't wait to catch up with you again, keep well...

  3. Well Done yo cuz when is Michela coming back to school?
    Nathan Luke Allum
