Friday, February 4, 2011

The last word

With Cabo Frio on the starboard beam and the finish only 50 miles away, all the cards are on the table and the hands of the wind gods.

This was never going to be an easy enterprise. Not only were the logistics astounding and the physical act of crossing an ocean under wind-power only a challenge, there was also the interpersonal component of newly adult children in close confines with ageing parents and pre-adolescent siblings.

The potential final position (will it be second?) is very gratifying. But the way that our children and Bradley have contributed to the success of this venture is the real prize for us.

Kax took care of the logistics and communications with amazing efficiency. The quality of the vittles and the distribution thereof matched her new found skill at navigating and weather-routing. And the way should took care of communications was phenomenal.

To watch Ricky on the helm is awe-inspiring. He has an ability to make this little boat sing in the lightest of breezes, and really hum when the wind gets up. And the way he diffused his skill through the crew (and the positive way they responded) will make us smile for a long way to come.

Brennan and Bradley have displayed levels of seamanship and boatmanship that we never expected. Not withstanding 3200-odd nautical miles, Ciao Bella will arrive in Rio with every single sail, halyard, guy, sheet and line fully operational. The first time we heard we were going to "letterbox the kite", we just looked at each other! The next thing the spinnaker came down, slid over the boom, under the mainsail and into the saloon with so little fuss that we needed to check that we were actually sailing in 30 knots of wind. More importantly, never once have they taken a shortcut on safety or walked away from a job before it was entirely complete.

Ryan needs to be commended on the courage with which he overcame his fears, and the humour which he brought to the boat not withstanding recurring bites of sea sickness.

Michaela-Mae was spectacular. From cooking meals to cleaning toolboxes. She even did night watches when the weather permitted. Surely the most all-together ten year old we know.

(From a Michael only perspective, one of my lasting memories of this trip will be going on watch at 03h00 on a wild full-moon night to see Gillian in her foulies. Streaming wet from the spray, standing on the transom of the boat, with one hand on the back-stay and one hand on the shoulder of her helming son, with a look of determined support on her face. Totally caught up in the common cause of winning the race - totally in support of her children in their endeavours. A special woman, and a huge source of pride
to me).

For us, the definitive moment of the trip was when we were staring down the barrel, with a broken engine (and thus no desalination and very quickly diminishing battery power) and a leaking water bag. We were looking at a tight water ration all the way to Rio, when the heavens opened and this
intrepid crew managed to catch enough rain water to see us safely into Rio with water to spare.

It was with this rain that it became clear that we had not embarked on this endeavour alone.

And so it is that every member of this crew will get a small bottle of this rain water as a memento of the adventure and a reminder of the Grace that made it possible.

We have surely been blessed!

Thank you all for your support.

Gillian and Michael.


  1. Well done! It was an awesome adventure, leaving you all with lifetime memories. We are so proud of you all!



  2. Fantastic sailing team CiaoBella Robinson !;o)
    Have you eaten Michaela?

  3. Great sailing... Look forward to seeing you all in Rio soon...

  4. What is this moistness in my eye? WOW.

  5. Oh. I know carltonville.... THE Oberholzer hotel was the only hotel in the days I lived there. Patrons were searched for any weapons before you could enter, if you had none they would supply you with a weapon..... it was rough in the wild west known as carltonville.
    PSE LET US KNOW WELl IN ADVANCE, Re:foto and chat eve.
